Ranitidine  150mg
i) Benign gastric and duodenal ulcer

ii)Reflux oesophagitis
iii)Non-ulcer dyspepsia

iv) Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
i)  150  mg  twice  daily  (at morning and night) or 300 mg on night for 4-8 weeks. Maintenance: 150-300 mg on night

ii) 150 mg twice daily or 300 mg on night for 8-12 weeks 

iii)  150  mg  daily  or twice  daily  

iv)  150  mg  and may be increased as necessary to 6 g/day

Ranitidine 25mg/ml Injection
i) Benign gastric/  duodenal ulceration, reflux oesophagitis, Zollinger Ellison Syndrome

ii) Stress ulcer prophylaxis in post-operative and high risk patients
i) ADULT: Slow IV injection of 50mg diluted to 20 ml and given over at least 2 minutes. May be repeated every 6-8 hours or IV infusion at rate of 25mg/hour for 2 hours, may be repeated at 6-8 hours intervals or IM. CHILD: 1 mg/kg/dose 6-8 hourly.

ii) Initial slow IV injection of 50 mg, then continuous infusion of 125-250 mcg/kg/hour

Rifampicin 150mg
i) Tuberculosis

ii) Leprosy

iii) Prophylaxis for meningococcal meningitis
i) ADULT: 450 - 600mg as a single  morning  dose. CHILD:10 - 20 mg/kg body weight daily in 1 - 2 doses. Directly observed therapy (DOT): 10 mg/kg twice weekly or 3 times/week.   Maximum:   600 mg

ii) 600 mg/day

iii) 600 mg twice daily for 2 days

Rifampicin 150mg,
Isoniazid 75mg, Pyrazinamide 400mg & Ethambutol HCl 275mg Tablet
Treatment of  both pulmonary   and
extrapulmonary tuberculosis, in   the intensive treatment phase
30 - 37 kg         : 2 tablets daily,
38 -  54 kg        :  3 tablets daily,
55 -  70 kg        :  4 tablets daily,
more than 70 kg  : 5 tablets daily

Rifampicin 300mg
i) Tuberculosis

ii) Leprosy

iii) Prophylaxis for meningococcal meningitis
i) ADULT: 450 - 600 mg as a single  morning  dose.  CHILD: 10 - 20 mg/kg body weight daily in 1 - 2 doses. Directly observed therapy (DOT): 10 mg/kg twice weekly or 3 times/week.   Maximum:   600 mg

ii) 600 mg/day

iii) 600 mg twice daily for 2 days

Salbutamol  0.5%
Inhalation Solution
Asthma and other conditions associated with reversible airways obstruction
2ml may be inhaled up to 4 times daily over a period of 3 minutes per inhalation (0.5 ml diluted in 2.5 ml of normal saline by inhalation over 5 to
15 minutes)

Salbutamol 100 mcg/dose Inhalation
Asthma and other conditions associated with reversible airways obstruction
ADULT : 100 - 200mcg up to
3 - 4 times daily.
CHILD : 100mcg increased to 200 mcg if necessary

Salbutamol   2mg
Asthma and other conditions associated with reversible airways obstruction
2 - 6 years   : 1 - 2 mg 3- 4 times daily,
6 - 12 years : 2 mg 3 - 4 times daily.

CHILD over 12 years and ADULT :
2-4 mg 3 - 4 times daily

Salbutamol 2mg/5
ml Syrup
Asthma and other conditions associated with reversible airways obstruction
2 - 6 years    : 1 - 2 mg 3- 4 times daily,
6 - 12 years : 2 mg 3 -4 times daily

Silver   Sulfadiazine
1% Cream
Prevention and treatment of infections in severe burns, leg ulcers where infections may prevent healing and for the prophylaxis of infections in skin grafting
Burns: Apply 3mm thick layer twice daily with sterile applicator. Leg ulcer: apply at least 3 times a week

Simvastatin 20mg
Hypercholesterolaemia and coronary
heart disease intolerant or not responsive to other forms of therapy
10 - 20mg once daily. Maximum: 80 mg daily

Simvastatin 40mg
Hypercholesterolaemia and coronary
heart disease intolerant or not responsive to other forms of therapy
10-20mg once daily. Maximum: 80 mg daily

Sodium Bicarbonate      5%w/v Ear Drops
To soften the impacted ear wax
2-3 drops 3-4 times daily

Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% (1mmol/ml) Injection
For  acceleration  of  excretion  in  drug intoxication (where excretion of the drug into the urine is accelerated by elevated urine pH) and for acidosis
According to the needs of the patient. In severe shock due to cardiac arrest: 50 ml by IV

Sodium Chloride
0.45% Injection
For replenishing fluid and for restoring / maintaining the concentration of sodium and chloride ions
100 - 1000 ml by IV or according to the needs of the patient

Sodium Chloride
0.45% with Dextrose 5% Injection
For replenishing fluid and energy and for restoring or maintaining       the concentration of sodium and chloride ions
According to the needs of the

Sodium  Chloride
0.9% Eye Drops
Irrigation of conjunctival sac
1 - 2 drops every 3 - 4 hours

Sodium Chloride
0.9% Injection
For replenishing fluid  and for
restoring/maintaining  the  concentration of sodium and chloride ions
100 - 1000ml by IV or according to the needs of the patient

Sodium Chloride
0.9% with Dextrose
5% Injection
For replenishing fluid and energy and for restoring or maintaining       the concentration of sodium and chloride ions
According to the needs of the

Sodium Hypochlorite
Low-level disinfectant and antiseptic
Antiseptic: less than 0.5%. Disinfectant: 5%

Sodium Lactate
Compound ( Hartmanns Solution/Ringer- lactate]
Replacement of extracellular losses  of fluid and electrolytes, as an alkaliniser agent
100-1000ml by  IV or according to the needs of the patient

Streptomycin Sulphate      1g Injection
0.5 - 1 g IM of Streptomycin
base daily or at longer intervals, cumulative dose should not exceed 100 g

400mg & Trimethoprim  80mg Tablet
i) Severe or complicated infections due to susceptible infection

ii) Treatment and prophylaxis of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia  (PCP)  in immunocompromised patients
i) ADULT: 1 - 3 tablets twice daily

ii) Treatment: ADULT & CHILD over 4 weeks: 120 mg/kg/day in 2 - 4 divided doses  for  14  days. Prophylaxis: ADULT: 960 mg once daily or 960 mg on alternate   days   (3   times   a week) or 960 mg twice daily on alternate days (3 times a week). CHILD; 6 weeks - 5 months: 120 mg twice daily on
3 consecutive days or 7 days per week; 6 months - 5 years: 240 mg; 6 - 12 years: 480 mg

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