Omeprazole 20mg
Only  for  :
 i)Reflux  oesophagitis

ii)For eradication  of  Helicobacter  pylori infection

iii)Benign peptic ulcer not responding to conventional therapy

iv)Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
i)20 - 80mg 1 - 2 times daily
up to 8 - 12 weeks

ii)20mg twice daily in combination with any of the 2 antibiotics (clarithromycin 500 mg twice daily,  amoxicillin  1  g  twice daily or metronidazole 400 mg twice daily)for 1 - 2 weeks

iii)20mg  once daily for 4  -  6 weeks

iv) ADULT: 20 - 120mg once daily adjusted according to the patient's response. CHILD 0.4 - 0.8 mg/kg/day

Oral Rehydration
Replacement of fluid and electrolytes loss in diarrhoea
ADULT: 200 - 400ml ( 1 2 sachets ) for every loose motion.
CHILD: 200 ml (1 sachet) for every loose motion. In severe dehydration 100 ml/kg for 3 - 4 hours.
INFANT:1 - 1.5 times their usual feed volume (50  ml  per  stool  for small infant)

Oxytocin 10units/ml Injection
Induction of labour
IV: 0.5 - 1milliunits/minute; gradually increase dose in increments of 1 - 2 milliunits/minute until desire contraction pattern is established; dose may be decreased after desired frequency of contractions is reached and labor has progressed to 5 - 6 cm dilation

Paracetamol 120mg/5 ml Syrup
Mild to moderate pain and pyrexia
up to 1 year: 60 - 120mg.
1 - 5 years: 120 - 240 mg.
6 - 12 years: 240 - 480 mg per dose. Repeat every 4 -6 hours when necessary. Maximum of 4 doses in 24 hours

Paracetamol 125
mg Suppository
Symptomatic relief of fever  and  post operative pain for paediatric cases
1 - 5 years: 125 - 250mg;
6 - 12 years: 250 - 500 mg;
3 -  11 months: 80 mg inserted every 4 - 6 hours if necessary, maximum 4 doses in 24 hours.
INFANTS under 3 months should not be given Paracetamol unless advised by doctor; a dose of 10 mg/kg (5 mg/kg if jaundiced) is suitable

Paracetamol 250mg Suppository
Symptomatic relief of fever and post
operative pain for paediatric cases
1 - 5 years : 125 - 250mg;
6 - 12 years : 250 - 500 mg;
3 - 11 months : 80 mg inserted every 4 - 6 hours if necessary, maximum 4 doses in 24 hours.
INFANTS under 3 months should not be given Paracetamol unless advised by doctor; a dose of 10 mg/kg (5 mg/kg if jaundiced) is suitable

Paracetamol 500mg Tablet
Mild to moderate pain and pyrexia
ADULT: 500 - 1000 mg every
4 - 6 hours, maximum of 4 g daily

Perindopril 4mg and      Indapamide 1.25 mg Tablet
Essential hypertension
One tablet daily

Perindopril 4mg
i)   Hypertension
ii)   Congestive   heart failure

 iii) Stable coronary artery disease
i) 4 mg as single dose, may be
increased to a single 8 mg dose.  ELDERLY:  Start treatment with 2 mg dose. In renal   insufficiency,  dose should  be  adapted  according to creatinine clearance

ii) Single starting oral dose of 2 mg should be increased to a single 4 mg once BP acceptability has been demonstrated

iii)  4  mg once daily for 2 weeks, may be increased to 8 mg once daily. ELDERLY: 2 mg once daily for 1 week, then 4 mg once daily for the following week, may be increased  up  to  8  mg  once daily

Perindopril   8   mg
i)   Hypertension
 ii)   Congestive   heart failure

 iii) Stable coronary artery disease
i) 4 mg as single dose, may be
increased to a single 8 mg dose.  ELDERLY:  Start treatment with 2 mg dose. In renal   insufficiency,  dose should  be  adapted  according to creatinine clearance

ii) Single starting oral dose of 2 mg should be increased to a single 4 mg once BP acceptability has been demonstrated

iii)  4  mg once daily for 2 weeks, may be increased to 8 mg once daily. ELDERLY: 2 mg once daily for 1 week, then 4 mg once daily
for the following week, may be increased  up  to  8  mg  once daily

i) Treatment or prophylaxis of infections caused   by   susceptible   organisms 

ii) Prophylactic, rheumatic fever
i)  ADULT:  500  -  750mg  6 hourly. CHILD;
up  to  1  year : 62.5 mg,
1 - 5 years      : 125 mg,
6 - 12 years    : 250 mg 6 hourly

 ii) ADULT: 125 - 250mg twice daily. CHILD: 25 - 50 mg/kg in divided doses every 6 - 8 hours. Maximum: 3 g/day

Pizotifen 0.5mg
Prophylactic treatment of vascular
ADULT: 0.5 mg in the evening
for first 2 days, then 0.5 mg mid-day and evening for next 2 days, then 0.5 mg 3 times daily. CHILD: Up to 1.5 mg daily in divided doses

Potassium  Chloride
1 g/10 ml Injection
For the correction of severe hypokalaemia and when sufficient potassium cannot be taken by mouth
By slow IV infusion depending on the deficit or the daily maintenance  requirements.  1 g diluted in 500 ml normal saline or glucose and given slowly over 2 - 3 hours

Potassium  Chloride
600 mg SR Tablet
For the treatment and specific prevention of hypokalaemia
ADULT:  2  -  3  tablets  daily.
Severe deficiency: 9 - 12 tablets  daily  or  according  to the needs of the patient

Potassium Citrate 3
g/10 ml and Citric
Acid Mixture
For systemic or urine alkalinization
ADULT: 15-30ml well diluted
with  water. 
up  to  1 year : 2.5 ml 3 times daily;
1 - 5 years     : 5 ml 3 times daily; 6
12 years        : 10 ml 3 times daily. To be taken well diluted with water, after meals and at bedtime.

1:10,000 Solution
Cleansing and deodorising  suppurative eczematous reactions and wounds
As soaks or wet dressing 1 3 times daily or as required

Povidone Iodine 10% (equivalent to 1% iodine) Solution
Skin operation prior to surgery, in
cleansing open wounds, as an antiseptic for operative wounds infections
To be applied undiluted in pre-operative skin disinfection and general antisepsis.

Prazosin HCl 1mg
Initially 0.5mg 2 -  3 times daily,  the   initial dose on retiring to bed at night; increased to 1mg 2 - 3 times daily after 3 - 7 days: further increased if necessary to maximum 20 mg daily

Prazosin HCl 2mg
Initially 0.5mg 2 -  3 times
daily,   the   initial   dose   on retiring to bed at night; increased to 1mg 2 - 3 times daily after 3 - 7 days: further increased if necessary to maximum  20 mg daily

Prazosin HCl 5mg
Initially 0.5mg 2 -  3 times daily,   the   initial   dose   on retiring to bed at night; increased to 1mg 2 - 3 times daily after 3 - 7 days: further increased if necessary to maximum 20 mg daily

Pre/Post Natal Vitamin  &  Mineral Tablet
Vitamin and mineral supplement for use during pregnancy and lactation
1 tablet  daily  or  based  on individual requirements

Prednisolone 5mg
i) Replacement therapy for primary and secondary adrenocortical insufficiency

ii) Adrenogenital  syndrome

iii)  Other therapy
i) 5 - 25mg daily in divided doses

ii) 10 - 20mg/m2 body surface daily in divided doses

iii) ADULT: 5 - 60mg daily. CHILD: 0.5– 2mg/kg/day in divided  doses  every  6  -8 hours or as a single daily

Maleate 5mg Tablet
i)Severe   nausea   and   vomiting   

ii)Vertigo/labyrinthine disorders
i) Injection IM 12.5mg stat and repeated if necessary after 6 hours or orally 20 mg stat followed by 10mg after 2 hours. Prevention: 5 - 10mg 2
- 3 times a day.
CHILD (over 10 kg only) 250 mcg/kg 2 - 3 times a day

ii) For labyrinthine disorders 5 mg 3 times daily, gradually increased to 30 mg daily in divided doses, then reduced after several weeks to 5 -10mg daily.     Not recommended in children

Mesylate 12.5mg/ml Injection
i) Severe nausea and vomiting   

ii)Vertigo/labyrinthine disorders
Deep IM injection,  12.5mg repeated if necessary after 6 hours and then followed by an oral  dose. Not  recommended in children

Prolase Tablet
Oedema and inflammation in conjunction with other physical or chemotherapeutic measures
2 tablet 4 times daily

Promethazine HCl
25mg/ml Injection
Allergic conditions
By deep IM: ADULT: 25-50mg,  maximum  100  mg.

CHILD: 5 - 10 years : 6.25 -12.5 mg. By slow IV: 25 - 50mg in a solution of 2.5 mg/ml in  water  for  injection. Maximum 100 mg

Promethazine HCl 5
mg/5 ml Syrup
Allergic conditions
2 - 5 years    : 5 - 15 mg daily,
5 - 10 years : 10 - 25 mg daily

Propranolol HCl 40
mg Tablet
i) Hypertension

ii) Angina

iii) Myocardial infarct

iv) Cardiac arrhythmia

v) Portal hypertension

vi) Migraine

vii) Thyrotoxicosis
i) Initially 80 mg twice daily increased as  required  to  a usual range of 160 - 320mg daily. CHILD: Initial doses of 1 mg/kg in divided doses, can be increased to 2 - 4 mg/kg/day in divided doses

ii) Initial dose of 40 mg 2 - 3 times daily. Maintenance 120 - 240 mg daily

iii) 40mg 4 times daily for  2  -  3  days  then  80  mg twice daily, beginning 5 - 21 days after infarction

iv) 10 - 40mg 3 -  4 times daily

v)Initially 40mg twice daily. The dose may be increased as required up to 160mg twice daily

vi) Initial prophylaxis dose: 40 mg 2 - 3 times daily. The dose may be increased at weekly intervals up to 160 mg daily

vii) Adjunct: 10 - 40 mg 3 - 4 times daily. CHILD: Arrythmias, thyrotoxicosis: 0.25 - 0.5 mg/kg 3 - 4 times daily as required

Propylthiouracil  50mg Tablet
Palliative treatment of hypothyroidism as an adjunct to ameliorate hyperthyrodism in preparation for surgical treatment or radioactive iodine therapy and in the management of thyrotoxicosis crisis
CHILD: Initial 5 - 7 mg/kg/day in divided doses every 8 hours. Maintenance: 1/3 to 2/3 of the initial dose in divided doses every 6 - 8 hours.
ADULT: Initial  dose:  300  -  450  mg daily in divided doses every 8 hours. Maintenance: 100 - 150 mg   daily   in   divided  doses every 8 - 12 hours

Pyrazinamide 500mg Tablet
Adult: 20-40mg/kg daily (max 1500mg) or 50mg/kg biweekly (max 2000mg). Children: 20-30mg/kg daily or 30-40mg/kg thrice weekly.

Pyridoxine  HCl 10mg Tablet
i)  Pyridoxine-dependent convulsion in infancy

ii) Sideroblastic anaemia

iii) B6- deficient anaemia in adult

iv) Prophylaxis to peripheral neuritis in isoniazid therapy

v) Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy and irradiation sickness
i) INFANT 4 mg/kg daily for short periods

ii) 100 - 400 mg daily in divided doses

iii) ADULT 20 -  50 mg up to 3 times daily

iv) Prophylaxis 10 mg daily, therapeutic 50 mg 3 times daily

v)  20  -  100 mg daily

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