Acarbose 50 mg
Only for treatment of:
i) Non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
(NIDDM) when diet therapy is Insufficient
ii) Non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) in combination with existing conventional oral therapy where glycaemic control is inadequate
Initially 50 mg daily,
increase to 3 times daily
up to 100 mg 3 times
daily. Max 200 mg 3 times

Acetylsalicylic Acid
100 mg, Glycine
45 mg Tablet
Prevention of myocardial infarct, stroke, vascular occlusion and deep
vein thrombosis. Transient ischaemic
1 tablet daily

Acetylsalicylic Acid
300 mg Soluble
Mild to moderate pain 300 - 900 mg every 4-6
hours as required. Max 4 g daily. Use in children not recommended

Acriflavine 0.1%
Infected skin, lesions, cuts, abrasions, wounds and burns.
Apply undiluted threetimes daily to the affected part

Acyclovir 200 mg
i) Mucocutaneous Herpes Simplex infection in immunocompromised and AIDS patients
ii) Primary and recurrent Varicella Zoster infection in immunocompromis and AIDS
iii) Severe Kaposi Varicella
Eruption (Eczema herpeticum)
iv) Severe primary HSV infections (eg.
Neonatal herpes, encephalitis,
eczema herpeticum, genital herpes,
gingival stomatitis, vaginal delivery
with maternal vulva herpes)
v) Severe and complicated varicella
infection (eg. Encephalitis, purpura
vi) Severe zoster
infection in paediatrics (eg.
Encephalitis, purpura fulminans,
immunocompromised patients and
facial, sacral and motor zoster)
i) ADULT: initially 400 mg 5 times daily for 7 - 14 days.
CHILD less than 2 years:
200 mg 4 times daily,
CHILD more than 2 years:
400 mg 4 times daily
ii), iii)
and iv)
ADULT: 200 - 400
mg 4 times daily.
less than 2 years, half
adult dose; more than 2
years, adult dose v)
ADULT: 800 mg 5 times
daily for 7 days vi) ADULT:
20 mg/kg (maximum: 800
mg) four times daily for 5
CHILD 6 years: 800
mg four times daily. CHILD
less than 2 years; 400mg 4
times daily, more than 2
years; 800mg 4 times daily

Albendazole 200
mg Tablet
i) Single or mixed infestations of
intestinal parasites
ii) Strongyloides infection
i) ADULT and CHILD over 2
years : 400 mg as a single
dose ii) 400 mg as a single
dose for 3 consecutive
days. CHILD 12 - 24
months : half adult dose

Albendazole 200
mg/5 ml

i) Single or mixed infestations of
intestinal parasites
ii) Strongyloides infection
i) ADULT and CHILD over 2
years : 400 mg as a single
dose ii) 400 mg as a single
dose for 3 consecutive
days. CHILD 12 - 24
months : half adult dose

Aminophylline    25
mg/ml Injection
Reversibl airways   obstruction,  acute
severe asthma
Deterioratin acute   asthma
not previously treated with theophylline, by slow IV injection over 20 minutes 250
500 mg (5 mg/kg), then as for acute severe asthma. Acute severe asthma by IV infusion :
500 mcg/kg/hour, adjusted according to plasma- theophylline concentration. CHILD : 6 month - 9 years : 1 mg/kg/hour, 10 - 16 years :
800 mcg/kg/hour

Amlodipine  10  mg
5 mg once daily. Max: 10 mg

Amlodipin  mg
5 mg once daily. Max: 10 mg

Bicarbonate, Tincture Ipecac, etc Mixture
10 - 20 ml 3 times daily

Amoxicillin 250 mg
Infections caused by susceptible strains
of  gram  positive  and  gram  negative organisms
ADULT: 250 - 500 mg 3 times
daily. CHILD: 20 - 40 mg/kg/day in divided doses 8 hourly

Amoxicillin 500 mg
&  Clavulanate  125 mg Tablet
Infections     due     to     beta-lactamase
producing strain where amoxicillin alone is  not  appropriate.  Respiratory  tract, skin, soft tissue, GUT infection, septicaemia, peritonitis, post-operative infection & osteomyelitis
ADULT & CHILD more than 12
years: Mild to moderate infections: 625 mg twice daily. Severe infections: 1 g twice daily

Trihydrate        125 mg/5 ml Syrup
Infections caused by susceptible strains
of  gram  positive  and  gram  negative organisms
CHILD less than 10 years: 125
- 250 mg 8 hourly. CHILD less tha20  kg:  20  -  40 mg/kg/day  in  3  -  4  divided

Trihydrate  125 mg/ml Suspension
Treatment    of    susceptible    bacterial
infections (non beta-lactamase-producing organisms)
CHILD: 50 - 100 mg/kg/day 4
times  daily.  Under  1  year:
62.5 - 125 mg 4 times daily, 1
- 10 years: 125 - 250 mg 4 times daily

Anti   RhD  Gamma
Globulin 250 mcg/2 ml Injection (500 units=100 mcg)
Prevention of Rh(D) sensitisation by IM
injection to rhesus-negative woman after delivery of rhesus-positive infant
50 - 100 mcg within 72 hours
after incompatible blood transfusion:   2 mcg   (125 units) per ml transfused blood, up to 1000 mcg

Aqueous Cream
Dry skin
As a soap or apply to the skin
as an emollient cream

Ascorbic  Acid  100
mg Tablet
Vitamin C deficiency
ADULT: 100-250 mg once or
twice daily CHILD: 100 mg three times daily for one week followed by 100mg daily until symptoms abate.

Atenolol   10 mg
Hypertension,        angina         pectoris,
myocardial infarction and arrhythmias
Hypertension and arrythmias;
50  -  100  mg  daily,  Angina;
10 m daily,   Myocardial infarction; individualised

Atropin Sulphate
1mg/ml Injection
i)  Reduce  vagal  inhibition,salivary  and
bronchiol secretion in anaesthesia ii) Reversal of excessive bradycardia iii) Reversal of effect of competitive muscle relaxants iv) Overdosage with other compounds having muscarinic action v) Organophosphate poisoning
i) ADULT 300-600 mcg IM/SC
30-60 minutes before anaesthesia  or  300-600  mcg IV  immediately  before induction of anaesthesia ii) ADULT 0.5-1 mg repeated, every 3-5 minutes. Max Dosage: 0.04 mg/kg body weight iii) ADULT 0.6-1.2 mg before or with anticholinesterase  iv)  ADULT
0.5-1 mg IV/SC, repeated every 2 hour v) ADULT 2 mg IV/IM, every 30 minutes according to clinical response. Cholinesterase reactivator should be given at the earliest possible time

Baclofen    10mg
Spasticity of the skeletal muscle
ADULT: 5 mg 3  times daily.
Max:  80  mg  daily.  CHILD:
0.75  -  2  mg/kg daily  (more than 10 years, maximum: 2.5 mg/kg daily)

Dipropionate    100 mcg/dose Inhalation
Prophylaxis of asthma especially if not fully controlled by bronchodilators
ADULT : 100 mcg 3 - 4 times
daily or 200 mcg twice daily. CHILD more than 6 years : 50
100 mcg 2 - 4 times daily

Benzathine Penicillin  2.4 mega units Injection(1.8g)
i) Treatment of mild to moderately severe infections  due  to  Penicillin  G-sensitive organisms ii) Treatment of syphillis
i) ADULT: 1.2 mega units IM
ii)  For  syphillis:  2.4  mega units weekly for 1 - 3 weeks

Benzyl      Benzoate
12.5   %   Emulsion
Scabies and pediculosis, for child under 2 years
After  bath,  apply  over  the
whole body, neck down and leave on for 24 hours then wash off. Reapply for another 24 hours, the first repeat application should be within 5 days of the initial application, a third application may be required in some cases

Benzyl Benzoate 25
% Emulsion (Adult)
Scabies and pediculosis
After  bath,  apply  over  the
whole body, neck down and leave on for 24 hours then wash off. Reapply for another 24 hours, the first repeat application should be within 5 days of the initial application, a third application may be required in some cases

Betamethasone 17-
Valerate 0.0125% Cream
Eczemas,   prurigo   nodularis,   psoriasis (excluding widespread plaque psoriasis)
Apply   sparingly   to   affected area  2  -  3  times  daily then reduced to once daily when improvement occurs

Bisacodyl   10   mg
i) Constipation
ii) Bowel preparation for radiological procedures and surgery
i) ADULT and CHILD over 10 years: 10 mg, CHILD less than 10 years 5 mg insert rectally
ii) ADULT 10-20 mg, CHILD over   4   years   5   mg   the following morning before procedures insert rectally

Bisacodyl    5    mg
i) Constipation
ii) Bowel preparation for radiological procedures and surgery
i) ADULT and CHILD over 10 years 5-10 mg, CHILD 4-10 years 5 mg. To be taken at night  for  effect  on  the following  morning 
ii)  ADULT 10-20 mg the night before procedures,   CHILD   over   4 years 5 mg the night before procedures

Bisoprolol Fumarate
5 mg Tablet
Treatment of stable moderate to severe congestive cardiac failure in addition to ACEI's and diuretics
1.25 mg once daily to 5 - 10
mg daily

Bromhexine  HCl  4
mg/5 ml Elixir
Secretolytic therapy in acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases associated with abnormal mucous secretion and impaired mucous transport
ADULT and CHILD more than
12 years : 10 ml 3 times daily,
6 - 12 years : 5 ml 3 times daily, 2 - 6 years : 2.5 ml 3 times daily, less than 2 years :1.25 ml 3 times daily

Bromhexine  HCl  8
mg Tablet
Secretolytic therapy in acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases associated with abnormal mucous secretion and impaired mucous transport
ADULT and CHILD more than
12 years : 8 mg 3 times daily,
6 - 12 years : 4 mg 3 times daily, 2 - 6 years : 4 mg 2 times daily

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